martes, 5 de enero de 2016


GOD BLESS YOU AGAIN HERE WE ARE RETURNED! WITH WORD OF GOD, AND WITH GOOD NEWS THAT GOD GIVES TO HAVE YOUR PALABRA.HOY MATTHEW 24: 12 reads LKA WORD OF THE LORD "abound AND EVIL THE LOVE OF MANY ENFRIARÁ.si SOMETIMES IN THIS TIME! .? IS SEEING MANY THINGS AND SOMETIMES AS SON OF GOD WE HAVE THE CONCEPT OBJECTIVES TENEMOSEN THIS WALK IN THE LORD WHAT IS THE GOAL AS SON OF GOD ARE SEVERAL LOVE GOODBYE is in Luke 10; 27 which reads: LOVE THE Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy strength, and with all your mind. AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF TO OTHER slogan is following God this is in Deuteronomy 5:33 Walk in the "road THE LORD YOUR GOD WILL traced it to live and prosper and prolong your days in the land you are to possess. And another objective tabi DO GOD'S WILL. "MORTIR AL IS" THAT'S PAINFUL. THAT WE HAVE TO DO! IN THIS PSALM 143: 10 "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me to the mainland." WE affirm IN IT. OBEY GOD AND AFTER. Obeying God is equal to "BELIEVE" GOD. That is in Deuteronomy 28 February
And they come on you all these blessings, and overtake you if you obey the LORD thy God. LEO IS THE WORD TAKE THIS RETURNED! And they come on you all these blessings, and overtake you if you obey the LORD thy God. ALL THIS OBJECTIVE IS HOME TO BE LIKE SON OF GOD. It is doing the will. AND SPECIFICALLY WHAT WE CONTROL OUR LORD JESUS ​​IS WORLDWIDE ID; Preach the gospel to every creature .. ALL NATIONS! Sometimes we're getting off the Lord's will. THE GOAL IS REACHED THAT THING AS SON OF GOD? Reach souls. What are we doing at this time? WHAT ARE WE DOING? Jesus said to his 12 disciples to go and preach to all nations told to TODOS.NOSOTROS as God's servant, as the Son of God also commanded us. THE LOOK THAT YOU ORDENARZA jeus given to them. And they have done? ESO were 12 disciples and obeyed. PERSON DID THOSE WILL DIOS.OBEDECIERÓN! And what happens? TODAY TO THANK THOSE including 12 disciple who heard what God commanded. We can know the Gospel of Christ. We know His Word. Knowing Jesus Christ our Lord. What AT THIS TIME IF ALL CHILDREN OF THE PEOPLE OF THE LORD TO REACH SOULS be doing. It would be all this blessed land of salvation for all. BUT WHAT HAPPENS! Are we doing the Will of God? We are evangelizing all souls? Are we doing ?. TODAY YOU PROPOSE this.The Lord commanded us VAN AND MAKE UP TO US won to Christ. NOT JUST A PERSON. JESUS ​​MAKES THE WORK. BUT AS SON OF GOD WE HAVE TO DO "WE" Then it depends of us all those ALMA llegen A CRISTO.TE PUT THIS WORD "love will grow cold" .ES TIME THAT GOD WILL RAISE HIUJOS to evangelize SHOW JESUS ​​CHRIST AS SAVIOR because there is no salvation. ONLY HE WILL DO WHEN YOU WANT IS YOUR DECISION, Son of God, as God's servant. IF YOU LEAVE THIS! So the disciple did and reached NOSOTROS.¿COMO would be if we put all of us with that same goal? Reach souls for Christ. IF YOU LEAVE THIS! GOD BLESS YOU GREATLY! MORE LATER we CONTINUE WITH WORD.

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